Join TCFC & Pima County Public Meeting Oct 19th; Citizens share concerns with City Council on Failed Policies; Businesses WIN in Phoenix; Tucson Homeowners file lawsuit against City; Man gets probation for role in deadly shooting: TPD Chief Outraged

Join TCFC & Pima County Public Meeting Oct 19th; Citizens share concerns with City Council on Failed Policies; Businesses WIN in Phoenix;  Tucson Homeowners file lawsuit against City; Man gets probation for role in deadly shooting: TPD Chief Outraged

Join TCFC and Pima County on October 19th @ 6pm

Join TCFC and Pima County, in person, on October 19th, 6pm at the Ellie Towne Community Center, 1660 W Ruthrauff Road.  The Flowing Wells Neighborhood Association and Community Coalition (FWNACC), a non-profit, 501c(3) invited us to share solutions we have been working including the opening of the Transition Center at the Pima County Jail and how this is one of many solutions we are working to address making our community safer by addressing crime and helping those stuck in the cycle of addiction that is destroying our city.  We look forward to seeing you!!!!

FWNACC invited TCFC and Pima County and their meeting is a Potluck so if you want to participate bring a dish to share!

Tucson Residents Name Mayor Regina Romero and Ward 3 Councilmember Kevin Dahl in lawsuit over their failure to address their concerns about being “negatively impacted by the masses of garbage and human waste in Navajo Wash,” according to a complaint filed Wednesday in Pima County Superior Court.


2 Citizens Request Mayor and Council at Call to Audience to stop Failed Policies 

Two citizens brought attention to Mayor and Council concerns about failing to address crime. Featured here, thank you to Tracy Toland who on September 19th asked the Mayor and Council to stop their failed policies and failing to address crime is making us unsafe.  See video below:


Man gets probation for role in deadly shooting at Tucson Strip Club.  TPD Chief Kasmar shares outrage


On Sept 22nd, TPD Chief Kasmar released statement to Chris DeSimone on WakeUP! Tucson, the radio show,  blasting failure of justice.  Below is the text of the quote and then a link to Chris DeSimone reading the quote Kasmar submitted to him.

"I couldn't be more disappointed with the decision made by the judge in this case. This case highlights the need for increased judicial transparency and accountability.

The community should be outraged with this decision that states taking another human beings life is only worth three years in jail, time served and probation.


WHEN this individual commits another act of violence there will be no accountability for this decision. I feel for the victims family, justice was not served here. 


It's time for our community to remember these decisions that are making our town less safe when it comes time to vote!"
Chief Kasmar



Judge orders Phoenix to clear crime/addiction encampment by November


TCFC Requests your help with our NEW LOGO!

TCFC is looking for your ideas for a new logo!  As we move to the next phase of our mission we need a new logo!  Put on your thinking cap and get ready to hear more next week about our contest for submitting your ideas for our new logo!!!


  • Rose Moore

    Chief Kasmar is so, so right! I have said for years now we need to expand our sentencing guidelines nationally! I’m pretty sure if someone convicted of murder will have an automatic life sentence there wud be less murders nation wide! Same w rape, and sexual abuse raising to50 yrs! DUI’s u lose your license for an automatic 5 yrs and spend 5 yrs in prison for 1st offense, provided there were no deaths. These are not written in stone, but u get my point! We need much tougher sentencing all around. Call me crazy but let’s see how much crime we have then. And I’m a Democrat!! Lol. Thank You TPD for all u do. I just wish the sentencing these criminals get is equal to the time and dedication u put in to catching them.

  • Anonymous

    If Romero really cared about Tucson, she would resign. She does not and thus will not.

  • Anonymous

    Shootings, no electricity service, no fire extinguishers, no sprinkler system and dozens of stolen shopping carts, each costing over $100.
    This is effectively an illegal camp established in an entire hotel in Tucson.
    This has to be the last term of the Romero-Cunningham-Santa Cruz administration.

  • Anonymous

    The local article on TPD’s PNI program claiming to be a success by Chief Kasmar and Ast Chief Kevin Hall is not what they say it is, its not a success. A PNI location at Prudence/ 22nd st. is connected to the 12 year old who attempted to rob a 50 plus year old victim at the neighboring QT. That 12 year old shot the victim first before he was killed by the victims. When our elected County Attorney George Soros – Conover indicts the victims watch TPD Chief Chad Kasmar KEEP SILENT…. Just like he does when all our local drug addicted criminals destroy our city, forcing our neighborhood stores to rise their prices on us working folks and then close their doors. The only true leader telling the truth on being pressured to release our repeat criminal offenders in that local article 2-3 weeks ago was City Court Judge Antonia Riojas. And look he is going to be removed for telling the truth about our mayor and council trading our security and costs of living for their applied grant monies from the MacArthur Foundation and other Federal grants. I pray Romero, Santa Cruz, Cunningham and Lee get voted out of office this Nov election. They are all grifters in the worse sense.

  • Anonymous

    I presented a solution 12 years ago, 6 years ago, 3 years ago and just 9 months ago what will it take for city and the county to work together to form a solution and stick to it and it give into it

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