FREE CRIME BUS - CALL TO ACTION!!; County Attorney Laura Conover Monitored by State Bar for Committing Misconduct; Going deeper on Tucson Domestic Terrorism Stop Cop City Event

FREE CRIME BUS - CALL TO ACTION!!; County Attorney Laura Conover Monitored by State Bar for Committing Misconduct; Going deeper on Tucson Domestic Terrorism Stop Cop City Event


Friends, we are grateful to all of our members that ask how they can help TCFC further. Your participation in TCFC “Calls to Action” is the single most powerful way for you to help our cause. Please engage with us and share and encourage other supporters to do the same. With your help, we have grown TCFC to nearly 7,000 members, and we still operate without a budget! 

See our VIDEO Interview below with a Sun Tran Bus Driver!


It's time to move on and reinstate fares so we can have the money needed to fund a SAFE Bus.  This failed experiment needs to end that is putting Drivers and Riders in danger, as well as spreading crime and drugs throughout our community.

Here are the facts about "Fare Free Transit”

1.The cost to our City of Tucson Budget is roughly $15 million to run the Bus system Fare Free.

2. Fiscal year 2025 the City of Tucson will have a Budget Shortfall of $18 million.

3. Fiscal Year 2026 the City of Tucson will have a Budget Shortfall of $42 million.

Mayor Romero and our City Council simply cannot afford all of their pet projects and still deliver the basic necessities to have a well maintained community.

TCFC is calling for:

1. Enhanced Security on the bus routes.

2. Fares returned for riders that can afford to pay.

3. Reduced or subsidized fare programs for riders that qualify for financial assistance.


TCFC supports reduced fares for those that qualify which as always been the case when fares were in-place.

FOLLOW 3 quick steps below:  (Emails have to be sent by 5pm Monday 3/18)

STEP 1: Copy as a whole, all the email addresses below and paste in the TO: line of your email.;;;;;;;;;;


STEP 2: Copy and paste this text into the subject line of your email:

Make the bus safe!

STEP 3: Copy, paste this text below in the email. Edit as you wish. SEND!

Dear Mayor and Council,

I want busses to be safe and clean again.  The free bus program needs to stop as it is not safe for drivers or riders and has become a method to transport fentanyl around our community. Organized retail theft is being facilitated by the bus being free as criminals use it to transport stolen merchandise as well as use it to leave an area before law enforcement can respond. Fares are needed to support security on the busses to keep our riders and drivers safe.  The bus is not safe for our kids who need to use this as transport to school.

Historically there have been plentiful options for free and reduced fares for those in need that apply and qualify, these options need to remain intact. 



County Attorney Laura Conover Committed Misconduct

The Tucson Crime Free Coalition has learned that Pima County Attorney Laura Conover committed misconduct and is under monitoring by the State Bar of Arizona.

Conover had 22 charges of misconduct filed against her with the State Bar. After conducting a lengthy investigation, the State Bar found that Conover had violated the Ethics Rules that all lawyers are required to follow. The State Bar concluded that Conover should be required to enter a Diversion Program under State Bar monitoring or face prosecution. Conover took the deal and entered the Diversion Program.

Conover has acknowledged she entered an agreement with the State Bar and is under Diversion monitoring. But, despite repeatedly saying she believes in transparency, Conover refuses to release her Diversion Agreement. 

See Article from Tucson Sentinel:

Going Deeper on Tucson Domestic Terrorism Stop Cop City Event

1. At minimum this event has been planned since 12/19/23, the City of Tucson acted as they were caught flat footed and surprised that this event was taking place. 

2. The event was planned and held on a City of Tucson (COT) property, people in attendance told TCFC Steering Leaders that they “chose” the property because they knew it was owned by the Government.

3. No permitting was pulled by Stop Cop City (SCC) for the use of the property or for any of the activities.

4. Stop Cop City (SCC) told TCFC Steering Leaders that they were receiving support from surrounding businesses.

5. BICAS which is a non-profit organization officially named “Bootstraps to Share of Tucson Inc.” (DBA BICAS) that is located just north of the city owned property SCC inhabited, on an adjacent piece of property ordered the porta-pottys for the usage of SCC and had them placed on their property.

6. BICAS has numerous ties to the City of Tucson. Including direct funding.

2022 - $48,169

2021 - $ 21,831

Funding is also received from Community Foundation of Southern Arizona which is a clearinghouse for funds from the City of Tucson.

7. Further ties to City of Tucson include:

Romero and Lane SantaCruz….

"They left after three years to return to academia and political activism. Because the bus ride to campus was so long and parking was so expensive, they started biking and developed a new passion that led them to the nonprofit BICAS, where they learned how to fix a bike and, eventually, landed a job. As a result of that experience, Santa Cruz has been a staunch advocate for bike lanes, free bus rides and other alternatives to travel by car."

8. Lane SantaCruz has a Staffer, in her office in Ward 1 who has a history with BICAS.

While none of these details are incriminating on their own, TCFC also believes they are not coincidental. TCFC is interested in filing a request for a formal investigation to occur to find out who in the COT knew what and when in regard to this event that ultimately ended with destruction of Tucson’s downtown. 


The Pima County Board of Supervisors gave its blessing for a new Blue Ribbon Commission that will study how to reduce the jail population.

At the same time that so much crime is happening in our city and county, when we know we do not have enough police officers to keep up with all of it, Adelita Grijalva and Matt Heinz from the Board of Supervisors in Pima County, came out last week and both stated that they are “Looking for ways to reduce the jail population” This is what was done during the pandemic. Living in Tucson and surrounding areas we are seeing in real time that this solution did not work and we are still paying the price for this decision - yet they are looking to do the same things again.




  • Phil

    Is the Pima BoS, Tucson Mayor and Council “trying” to be like Denver, CO or do we have the same puppeteer?

  • Mary Long

    Fentanyl! the mayor and the City should be sued for all those people riding the buses that are unwillingly consuming fentanyl just riding the bus ! the bus drivers , more of the bus drivers need to speak up ! even if it’s anonymously. even if their face and their voice is disguised . because they’re worried about their job . they need to speak up ! and isn’t it public knowledge regarding the diversion program she Laura is now in? Since when isn’t it public knowledge ? for an elected official like the attorney , now in the diversion program. since when aren’t we allowed to know this information? I just now got this update so they’re not being delivered on a timely fashion so is it too late for me to send the letters to all the Senators ? because I just now got this one this is Saturday. I’m saying prayers.

  • Tom

    Reference the “Stop Cop City Riot”, only 3 people have been arrested. Those three have now been charged with 5 felony counts: Arson of an Occupied Structure, Conspiracy to commit it, Burglary, Criminal Damage and Riot.
    An allegation of “Dangerous Nature” has been filed against each defendant. That makes their sentence, if convicted, a mandatory prison sentence, that is, no probation. Prison. Shouldn’t the bonds now be increased? How do you get this type of bond for a crime that is a Class 2 felony?(Arson). Hello?

    And, Arson of an OCCUPIED structure. That charge reflects that the structure was occupied. Were there people inside working, cleaning was it? Do you want these people loose, out and about?

  • James R

    Lane Santa Cruz was involved in a protest against cops back in 2020 where she was accused of assaulting a police officer. Are these Stop Cop people the same group? Is this more of that. Are are Romero and Santa Cruz up to something more?

  • Melissa Beatty

    I am so disappointed in our County Attorney. I had such hope for her and thought it would be different. Looks like all the talk about “transparency” is for other other people and not her.

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