Did we see Mayor and Council ready to embrace REAL Solutions? Ones that TCFC has been pitching for 2 years? It was good to hear many of our talking points and solutions coming out of Mayor Romero's mouth for the first time.
In the spirit of being civil, watching the study session of Mayor and Council on Sept 25th discussing the tragedy at Santa Rita Park, was at minimum. hopeful, and at most, distressing, to see the leaders of our city completely directionless and looking uncomfortably at each other and Pima County Health Department, Dr. Cullen for answers after all this time.
Our elected leaders that were so confident, as much as 3 months ago where Mayor Romero would say, "The people believe in our vision for the city and it is working" along with "Crime on the bus?...that's Ludicrous!" Clearly reality is very slowly beginning to set in. We can’t hide from the mounting evidence of a community unraveling.
It was very uncomfortable watching the session with the Mayor and Council Members look at each other with deer-in-the-headlights looks of recognition that we need real solutions.
We heard from City staff that even after 2 weeks of offering services for those living in Santa Rita Park, ZERO ACCEPTED SERVICES. That was 50 people. We heard Karen Uhlich, Ward 3 admit for the first time, publicly, that Fentanyl is being smoked at our bus stops. For the first time, we heard Kevin Dahl, Ward 3, who has spent the better part of the last two years writing articles attacking anybody who spoke against his narrative that "he does not see the same thing you see." Kevin Dahl spoke for the first time, acknowledging the toll our businesses are facing with crime, by those that committing crimes to support their Substance Use Disorder. This change of perspective likely has been the result of countless businesses in Ward 3 sending email after email, documenting the turmoil they deal with on a daily basis, begging for help and solutions. It is notable that the vast majority of business owners have yet to receive a response, however, we are hopeful that some action is coming.
Mayor Romero admitted we have spent "many millions." When we total it all up it will be in the 100's of millions in buying old motels to allow drug use as low barrier housing, cleanups, city buying and distributing tents, food and abuse of other public services with zero results other than more misery and death for those stuck in the cycle of addiction. It is also important to note, there are plenty of shelter beds available for those that are receptive to accepting resources.
The Crime Tax total is in the 10's of millions for those businesses who had to erect fortresses around their properties, upgrade security systems and hire private security. The cost to residents who continually have items stolen out of their homes, yards and cars cannot be calculated.
There was a very sobering moment where Paul Cunningham, Ward 2, was not as full of confidence as he normally is when supporting Mayor Romero's position that we Tucsonan's "support her/their vision."
Solutions TCFC advocates:
- Expand the Transition Center founded by Pima County and strongly advocated for by TCFC.
- Expand Title 36 (or morph into new statute) for longer stabilization times for individuals in custody as well as court mandated drug treatment as a potential alternative to jail.
- Enforce the law and active ordinances to stop encampments before they become established to prevent sweeps, pushing people toward services.
- Support Prop 312. This proposition is a reaction to the continued failed policies of our elected officials destroying our businesses and property owners.
- Make our busses and bus stops safe again and quit hiding the cost of free transit and violence on busses from taxpayers.
- Add signage to City medians, similar to the ones in the county, to prevent aggressive panhandling and enforce the active ordinance.
Below is a link to the council meeting if you have the strength. TOPIC STARTS AT 42:00 minutes
CLICK HERE FOR LINK: KVOA Story including Josh Jacobsen Concerning Santa Rita Park
CLICK HERE FOR LINK: Tucson City Council Study Session Sept 25, 2024
THE GOTAWAYS TCFC event at The Maverick
Thank you to our host, The Maverick King of Clubs, at 6622 E Tanque Verde Rd, Tucson, AZ 85715 for hosting 90 of our guests!
Thank you to Chris DeSimone, and our Panelists including: Operations Commander, Cochise County Sheriff's Department Robert Watkins; County Attorney, Cochise County Attorney's Office, Brian McIntyre and Heather Lappin, Lieutenant, Pima County Sheriff's Department and Candidate for Pima County Sheriff.
We all enjoyed food, beverage, cinema and an informative panel discussion.
One thing we heard encouraging was Vice President Kamala Harris when visiting the border this last week, the first person she sought out was Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels.
Thank you all for attending this successful first of many events!!! Pictures Below:
It sounds as if some progress was made. Keep working on it TCFC. You’ve done incredible work so far. I plan to attend one of your future events.
In response to “LAST WEDNESDAY, SOBERING TURNING POINT FOR TUCSON MAYOR AND COUNCIL”, I respectfully submit “Solutions TCFC advocates” missed the most obvious solution: elect council members that are willing to promote change. Wards 3, 5 and 6 re-election/election are in 2025. Let’s run/elect candidates that recognize Tucson is suffering from a substance abuse and homelessness crisis, who are willing to make tough (sometimes unpopular) decisions, and engage with all constituents (irrespective of party) to improve our community.
Will the Mayor and Council enforce the rules of not allowing people in the medians to walk up and down hoping for money from people stopping at red lights?
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