Free Speech WON today!!!!, The citizens and Tucson Crime Free Win Today!!

The TCFC Call to Action last week netted 400+ emails, plus phone calls to all our County Board of Supervisors!!! All said "NO" to blocking individual supervisors from putting items of public interest on the Agenda. This was 4x (four times) the number of emails received on an issue to the Board of Supervisors.
TCFC Members, you are amazing!
You spoke loudly against Agenda Item 15 and Supervisors Bronson, Christy and Scott voted NO to changing the agenda policy and "NO" to Supervisor Grijalva and Supervisor Heinz trying to silence the Tucson Crime Free Coalition!
Good job everyone for speaking loudly! You made a difference and TCFC will continue to fight for you working to take back our City and County from CRIME!
Link to the item 15 vote today on YouTube at the Board of Supervisors
Watch Supervisor Grijava try really hard, and fail, to push her attempt block Free Speech of the other Board of Supervisors!
Timecode for item 15 is: 2:18:55
And in regards to item 17 what needs to be researched, understood, realized, what are the crimminal laws in the state, counties, cities of arizona and who creates them, who is legally authorized? A mandate in any state is not a law. What elected represenative body creates crimminal laws in state of arizona, and who can modify, change, etc those laws.
As a matter of fact id encourage everyone to say powerful prayers for cristy as he is a lone warrior with an occasional back up from bronson if its not to rocky. As he is alone in a huge sea of sharks.
Well did you watch the whole meeting? Scott and 2 others, heinz and grijalva. Voted a continuence before the no vote happened. Yes item 15 was a note vote the way its presented, however,they will continue it re- written so its not over till the you know who sings!! Scott basically was in favor of 15 as presented, but voted no merely to placate the moment. for no other reason. NOW ITEM 17 was and is important to this coalition, too bad no one was there to voice several opinions, opposing certain measures etc! And cristy is the only board of supervisor that gives a stink about what these ??? are voting on,!!!all of them except cristy, bronson, hoh hum yawn….scott if it fits his agenda. Asleep at the wheel ….. . Im saying powerful prayers. To the angels.
Thank you for all your hard work, and it has been hard work. I stopped at the Walgreens at Ft. Lowell and Campbell for a card yesterday. An elderly gentleman walked in just before me. He was struggling to walk and using a cane, he needed a cart to shop. There were no carts, the employees said the carts had all been stolen. The gentleman turned and left and his business lost. Our businesses need TCFC.
I am so happy. thanks for putting the word out there to us. Thanks to the supervisors who spoke in favor of free speech, imagine that! The rest of you, I have nothing to say that is printable, especially Matt Heinz , you are really a despicable person, and it will catch up with you someday. Karma, karma.
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