Primary Election Candidate Guide; TCFC Advocates for More Money to Stop Jail Medical Rejections; Everyone wins with ending the Free Crime Bus

TCFC Presents its first ever political endorsements!
A citizen’s minimum investment in the direction of the City of Tucson and Pima County is the act of voting. Voting in primaries is especially vital. It’s your opportunity to vote for change.
Our mandate is simple: a safer community for all through the enforcement of our laws. We are advocating for candidates who reject the status-quo, current failed policies and will champion the return of safety and prosperity for all. We have interviewed the following candidates and strongly believe that they will be champions of change, regardless of political party or affiliation.
The Tucson Crime Free Coalition is a non-partisan entity that focuses on the right person for the right position. We are supporting Democrats and Republicans that need to win their Primary. Our decision to endorse and support is based on the following criteria:
1. Incumbents: they have helped advance the mission of TCFC.
2. New candidates: All 4 TCFC steering leaders have met with them and believe they will help advance the mission of TCFC if elected.
The primary election is approaching really fast on July 30, 2024 we offer the following excellent candidates:
Pima County Attorney
MIke Jette - Democrat
Pima County Sheriff
Sandy Rosenthal - Democrat
Heather Lappin - Republican
Pima County Board of Supervisors - District 3
Edgar Soto - Democrat
Janet Wittenbraker - Republican
Pima County Board of Supervisors - District 4
Justine Wadsack - Arizona Senator - District 17
Alma Hernandez - Arizona House of Representatives - District 20
Consuelo Hernandez - Arizona House of Representatives - District 21
Juan Ciscomani - US House Congressional District 6
TCFC Advocates for More Money to Stop Jail Medical Rejections
Pima County is in full budget planning mode for start of the Fiscal Year starting July 1st, 2024. TCFC has highlighted the failures of Sheriff Nanos in rejecting criminals from entry in to the Pima County Jail on basic medical grounds. Sheriff Nanos has never advocated for more funding to stop the rejections but simply states, "this is how we have always done it”. To Sheriff Nanos: times change and the fentanyl crisis in our county has changed the playbook. When you’re losing, change the playbook or you’ll forever lose.
TCFC is advocating to the Pima County Board of Supervisors to increase funding to the 3rd party medical provider in the jail who does the rejections based on Sheriff Nanos instructions and the contract as it currently stands. By increasing funding to the provider, to reduce medical rejections, our community will be safer as criminals like Akil White who was rejected for a broken hand and was let go by Sheriff Nanos only to cause a SWAT situation on Fort Lowell Road, are housed where they belong awaiting justice: jail! See our newsletter dedicated to this on
Everyone will win with the end of the FREE CRIME BUS
TCFC has be advocating for the End of the FREE CRIME BUS. The City cannot afford it, criminals are assaulting drivers and bus passengers are being threatened with weapons and mayhem. People in a drugged state and drug dealers can transport drugs by walking on any bus anytime of day.
Mayor and Council asked TUSD, The University of Arizona and Business to pay for permanent continuation of the FREE CRIME BUS and they said "NO" which is correct. TUSD students should not ride this dangerous bus. The truth is those that qualify will always be given a reduced fare like it has always been, before it became the FREE CRIME BUS under Mayor Romero and the current city council.
The Arizona Luminaria reported, "Tucson’s City Manager is recommending reinstating fares for the streetcar and some bus routes ahead of Tuesday’s city council meeting." The council is reinstating fares for the Street Car and Express Routes to punish those that would not subsidize their dangerous experiment. Now we need to finish the job and reinstate fares for the whole system so it can be safe again for our children and passengers who depend on the bus.
Janet Whittenbraker - Pima County Board of Supervisors District 3 (Republican)
Juan Ciscomani - Congressional District 6 (Republican)
Justine Wadsack - Arizona State Senate Legislative District 17 (Republican)
Consuelo Hernandez - Arizona House of Representatives District 21 (Democrat)
NYC is getting Army Reserves to monitor their Subway System. Perhaps the state of Arizona needs to support Tucson! It might embarrass the City enough to do what needs to be done with the buses!
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