Some new, visible, TPD enforcement seen! Feb 19th, 2023,

Some new, visible, TPD enforcement seen! Feb 19th, 2023,
Hello TCFC Members!
  • This week we have seen and had reports of TPD stepping up enforcement in SOME high crime areas.  And WE ARE PUSHING FOR MORE! No-one should fear enforcement. Nothing should stop the City and County from getting people into treatment.
  • We have confirmation that treatment beds are available.  Some Treatment providers are reporting they are only at 70% occupancy with 30% open beds. We know of a minimum of 140 open beds. With enforcement of our laws, and treatment available,  we expect personal accountability which will lead to a safer community.
  • TCFC is getting congressional attention, and had a seat at table (Josh Jacobsen) on a Bi-Partisan Roundtable this week with The US Speaker of the House and Congressman Juan Ciscomani discussing how Fentanyl is affecting Tucson and Pima County.  Josh shared how TCFC and its near 3000 members are exposing how our elected officials are pursuing failing policies.  TCFC is leading efforts for treatment and humanity but demanding accountability to enforce our laws.


    • Organized retail theft is on the rise with free Sun Tran buses as the getaway vehicle. At our monthly meeting with TPD detectives and retailers this week we heard from large retailers experiencing "Flash Mob" groups timing shoplifting with the Free Buses City of Tucson Mayor and Council support.  Riders tell us about awful experiences like people cooking meth on the bus as well as other criminal behavior.
    • Pima county is moving forward with “No Pandhandling Signs” being created and installed.  Thank you for your suggested locations. We will pursue City of Tucson intersections next and will report any progress.
    • We met with Judges and Superior Court representatives this week.  We discussed and gained a more clear understanding of how we can address limitations holding people accountable for crimes as well as the fact that the courts never see all the "refused" cases by our County Attorney Laura Conover.  The judges expressed support for the TCFC enhanced Transition Center at the Jail Annex on Mission Road.
    • TCFC met over at the Jail Annex with Non-profits in the treatment provider business and learned more about how to best work together to provide wrap-around services and how to best get people needing treatment into their programs so empty beds will come to an end when we have people that need them.


    Fire tears through homeless camp - Mayor Romero and Council Failed Policies at work


    • Anonymous

      You must treat the root of the problem which is substance abuse, mental illness and criminal behavior. The “housing first” approach doesn’t work because it enables homeless people to not change their behavior and will lead to more destruction and death. Gospel Rescue Mission’s approach at the Center Of Opportunity works and should be the template for all other programs. Tough love is real love.

    • CT

      I have over 20 months clean from drugs and alcohol. I fully support the cleaning of this city and the enforcement of crimes. I see how bad things are getting and hope the city will do more to step up their part. You can’t make people want to stop using drugs and being criminals but you can make the consequences of the crimes higher. I don’t know the answer but we have to work together for change.

    • Anonymous

      My wife and I have visited Tucson for years now and two years ago purchased a townhouse that we use during the winter months. Tucson is a wonderful place but there are obvious warning signs that this place is in trouble with rising crime and homeless people on many corners. If Tucson does not want to become like LA the city leaders need to take Tucson Crime Free Coalition seriously. While I believe in being compassionate, laws must be enforced to keep any city clean and safe. Thanks for all the efforts of TCFC to help save this beautiful city.

    • Anonymous

      If you have lived the life, you understand that there is something far different than the simple, “black and white” dicotomy which leads to simplistic solutions. There are certainly good and bad, victims and predators, but there are many more who are on the continuum between the extremes, just as there are in a coalition of concerned community members looking for solutions.
      Having experienced the—for lack of a better word—lifestyle, I am far more supportive of your detention/treatment model than the incremental/sequential. People struggling with addiction, and subsequent or co-occuring mental/behavioral health pathologies can’t be expected to freely choose the best path to recovery.
      If you haven’t been submerged in the deep end of the hopelessness, you can’t honestly understand what drowning feels like.
      Your coalition has identified the problem. It has been around for ages, but is only getting worse—and at a pace that is accelerating. Finding a solution that pleases everyone is not possible. Finding a “one-size-fits-all” solution is also impossible. Finding a solution that returns the community to a level of safety, security, and sanity is not only worthy of the effort by ALL stakeholders, it is imperative.
      Sadly, politicians and the behavioral health industry are immersed in the classic agent-principal conflict. To retain their positions, they must appear to be concerned and compassionate.
      That is mainly selfserving.

      If any of you would like to accompany me, I can try to give you an idea of what the machine looks like from the inside.
      Your current effort is herculean, but there is no other choice. Just ask all of your brave first responders.

    • Maggie

      Need services vs. want services. Thats a wide canyon of reality here guys. I speak of years of experience here.

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