Shooting Easter Weekend on Sun Tran Crime Bus near Estevan Park, the City funded Fentanyl Camp; Mayor Regina Romero, Lane Santa Cruz, Kevin Dahl and Steve Kozachik voice support for a free Crime Bus!

Thank you for your 370 emails to Mayor and Council last week in our CALL TO ACTION!!
Remind others about TCFC to continue to make a difference!
Sun Tran Crime bus shooting near Estevan Park's City funded Fentanyl Camp. TPD Standoff on Sun Tran Crime Bus on Miracle Mile.
Speedway and Main (near the Mayor and Council funded Fentanyl Camp at Estevan Park.
In addition to the shooting, Saturday evening in front of the Westside TPD Substation at miracle mile, an officer had his rifle drawn pointing at the Sun Tran bus. We have a picture that was posted on facebook. Kevin Daily TCFC member, was driving and saw the officer with rifle drawn pointing at the bus. Haven't seen this covered in media.
Miracle Mile and Flowing Wells in front of TPD Police Station. Officer had Rifle drawn pointing at Sun Tran Bus.

Picture taken through window of bus. Would you want to be around this when you are trying to go to work or an appointment? Would you want your children to be around this when they are trying to go to school?
Watch Mayor Regina Romero, Lane Santa Cruz, Kevin Dahl & Steve Kozachik discuss how they think your 370 constituent emails last week don't matter. "TCFC members just don't understand and don't ride the bus".
Actually... we have and do. Some have stopped because of the crime.
Watch the discussion at Mayor and Council after your emails were sent last week here on April 4th.
Watch Ward 6, Council Member, Steve Kozachik who now loves the free Crime Bus, when less than a year ago 5/6/2022 on KOLD Channel 13 was furious about Crime on the free bus. Teamsters (Driver's Union) penned a letter.
See the KOLD story with Steve Kozachik on 5/6/2022:
View the teamsters letter to City Council:
Listen to TCFC Kevin and Josh on Law Matters! TCFC Discusses the problems and solutions!
Kevin and Josh were guests on Law Matters on April 8th. Listen to hear about TCFC and our Collaboration with Pima county and our Solutions.
Thank you to District 4 Supervisor Steve Christy for fighting for free of speech in Pima County! Steve Christy exposed Adelita Grijalva and County Attorney Laura Conover for banning Shirley Requard from call to the audience and won for the people! Banning speech is dangerous! Even if you don't agree. Elected officials have a duty to listen to their constituents opinions! TCFC previously complained to Board of Supervisors about Grijalva's actions.
Watch on KVOA Channel 4:
Extra links for you to view if you have time:
No rules: Illegal cabins with million-dollar views of Portland - Taxing citizens for failure of elected officials to uphold their oath of office.
KOIN Channel 6 News. (Tucson has open beds for drug rehab now. Too many users stuck in the addiction cycle don't want to quit.)
Phoenix Mayor and City Council fail to protect. Fentanyl Camp goes up in Flames. "The Zone"
I wanted to listen to the interview on law matters but when I clicked on the link the only thing I heard them talking about for like 15 minutes was Wall Street so I clicked out of it . do you know how many minutes into that link you have to wait before we could hear your interview? Thank you have a blessed day
TPD patrol officers arrest these urban campers who are addicted to Meth and Fentanyl (95% of them use both daily), for trespassing, panhandling, shoplifting, etc and they all say they are homeless. Patrol officers report they see half of them in these illegal camps. Patrol officers speak to these business managers who say their exterior theft is through the roof in our city compared to others in AZ. Walmart at Speedway/ Kolb is top three in the state month after month, Target at Tanque Verde/ Grant is number one in the city, T J Maxx at Wilmot/Broadway is number 1 in the city which includes all Marshall stores. Why are business loses so high compared others in our state? We need someone to track these record numbers and post a list so our community can see the truth. When these drug addicts steal a shopping cart it costs the store $400.00 to $450.00 each, these victim stores pass the loses onto their customers. Tucson has a high percentage of their citizens who are living on fixed incomes, blue collar, low middle class wages who can not stretch their monies much. Politicians and their friends in the media repeat their old lies that we have to help the homeless but the TRUTH is only 15 % of the homeless commit the super-super majority of the crimes. The city claims to have 2,000 homeless but patrol officers believe its 4,000. 15% are the criminals so why can’t our city courts, jail and police handle 600 of our chronic criminals? Lets focus on them, keep them in jail on their misdemeanor charges they create weekly? These drug addicts don’t really get dope-sick until their 8th to 16th day in jail. Dope-sickness controls them, tires themselves out to leave crime, heals them in the long run. Our Pima county jail has a full time complete medical staff inside (doctors, nurses, med. tech’s etc.). I am not saying let them sit for 9 months on a misd. charge but giving them 4 days for 15 misd warrants and 5 fresh misd charges is a joke. When our Mayor and Council instruct our city courts to do this -CRIME DOES PAY IN TUCSON. Why do progressive local govt’s do this? THE MONEY IS IN THE TREATMENT – NOT THE CURE.
I read the Teamsters Union letter that was written in May of 2022. What was the response from the mayor and the council? To the Teamsters Union, regarding the letter of concern they wrote. does anybody know what the response was?
See if they finally decide to fire Sun Tran, a private company, then decide whether or not to re-elect the incumbents in the City of Tucson primary and general elections.
This problem can be stopped long time ago but, in instead is every day more bigger,
And instead to do something to solve it, we see that the number of homeless is increasing.
Crime and Drugs.
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