200 new members this Week; "Anybody BUT Romero!"; Shoplifting, Drugs, Bus Crime and Non Enforcement are Out of Control under Mayor Romero's failed policies

After last week's NEWS FLASH of KOLD Channel 13 confirming TCFC's reports of crime on the FREE Sun Tran Crime Bus, TCFC increased its membership by a stunning 200 members! Great job everyone getting the word about our hard work being confirmed!
Please continue to tell people to sign up at TucsonCrimeFree.com
"Anybody BUT ROMERO for Mayor!"
TCFC is non-partisan BUT supports CHANGE. New Tucson leadership is needed specifically in the office of the Mayor. However we have a problem in the upcoming election with Ed Ackerley (Independent), Janet Wittenbraker (Republican) and Arthur Kerschen (Libertarian) all challenging incumbent Regina Romero (Democrat). By having three challengers, Romero is almost guaranteed a victory. We have tremendous respect for all candidates, they have all sacrificed time, effort and money to take on the difficult role of being candidates, however, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE. We are calling on Mr. Ackerley, Ms. Wittenbraker and Mr. Kerschen to set differences aside and come up with a solution where two candidates exit the race and support the remaining candidate. Tucson cannot afford FOUR more years of Regina Romero's failed policies. Any candidate that makes the selfless decision to put the betterment of our City over themselves will only be regarded as a hero. Time is running out, a decision needs to be made by FRIDAY, AUGUST 25th due to the deadline of final ballots being printed.
This time it's NOT ABOUT PERSON or PARTY!, ITS ABOUT TUCSON's Survival!
This is Ms. Wittenbraker's first run for office. As a Republican candidate, she enjoys the advantage of having 900 Republican Precinct Committeeman behind her to aid in canvasing and door knocking. View her campaign website and contact information here:
"It was always going to be a hard challenge for anyone to beat Tucson Mayor Regina Romero as she runs for re-election this year.
But with two opposing candidates, is it even possible? Wouldn’t just one opposition candidate bring a seemingly impossible task into the realm of the barely possible?
When you look back at 2019, it makes you wonder."
CLICK HERE: Divided opposition helps Tucson mayor in re-election race
100 Acres Park; Mayor Romero supported, latest sanctioned Drugs, Crime and Humanitarian Disaster
It was so hot that we could not operate our cell phones for more than 10 minutes before overheating. You will also see dogs kept in inhumane conditions. If no one seems to care about people, what about the dogs? Where is Pima Animal Control? Where is PETA? Where is the Humane Society? One lady had 4 puppies. Two dogs hid under an abandoned vehicle for shade.
Even though a majority of them are doing illegal drugs on a daily basis and are in possession of many items that have been stolen from businesses and neighborhoods, there will not be any consequences for criminality. Sheriff Nanos will not allow Tucson Police or Deputies to bring anyone to jail if they have had fentanyl within the last two hours or if they have had Narcan within the past six hours- these people know that, so all they need to do is tell the police they have fentanyl in their system. They are then brought to a hospital but because of the shortage of officers they are dropped off at the doors and able to just walk away and start the process all over again. Our so-called leaders do not want the problem in the jail so they are releasing the people that are committing crimes and letting all of us deal with it! This is not ok!
This is inhumane for the people living in these conditions and inhumane for the citizens that are forced to deal with this. The Mayor and Council need to step up and do their jobs. They are supposed to be keeping citizens safe and this is not happening! They are throwing so much money into this problem without doing any problem solving - just letting it continue to move around the city! There are solutions that will help this problem but Mayor Romero and current Council members refuse to do any of this. Start by enforcing our laws!

TCFC! Please have a social hour at some place that will hold a LOT of people (like Firetruck, but larger) and we’ll come out like locusts! We’ve had enough of this nonsense and degradation of our city! Someone I recently met just moved here from FL; they could not believe the homelessness and utter poverty and low-living. Being poor is not the issue: living like a junkie is along with animal abuse/neglect (my biggest "thing). PLEASE…not fancy fundraisers, just “Mad as Hell” folks who are “not going to take it anymore”!
JL is spot on.
Ross is spot on.
The Republican Grassroots has an army and has removed quite a few establishment Rs from Southern AZ leadership. Now we are campaigning for JL, Ross, Ernie, and Victoria.
One has to wonder why the so called establishment Republicans call themselves “Republican” as we all know they are democrats in disguise. One such and formerly prominent person hiding under the Republican tent has actually tried to “convince” JL to get out of the race so that that faction of Ds-in-disguise could support the also-in-disguise ackerley, a D in independent disguise.
As for the Tim Steller, I’m rotflmbo. He’s either naive or trying to sow dissention (you may think you’re in the middle but you sure can’t the right side correctly). No true Republican would vote for the L or the I when there is an R. Ackerley couldn’t get enough support last time. And he definitely doesn’t have the Grassroots Army JL does. He’ll split the D vote, not the Rs.
If you want one candidate to challenge grijalva’s “darling” in City Hall, put a JL sign in your yard, come to the campaign kickoff Sept 16, contribute lots of money to her campaign and the Council candidate for your ward.
JL is spot on.
The Republican Grassroots has an army and removed quite a few establishment Rs from Southern AZ leadership. Now we are campaigning for JL, Ross, Ernie, and Victoria.
One has to wonder why the so called establishment Republicans call themselves “Republican” as we all know they are democrats in disguise. One such and formerly prominent person hiding under the Republican tent has actually tried to bribe JL to get out of the race so that that faction of Ds-in-disguise could support the also-in-disguise ackerley, a D in independent disguise.
As for the author of this article, I’m rotflmbo. He’s either deluded or trying to sow dissention. No true Republican would vote for the L or the I when there is an R. Ackerley couldn’t get enough support last time. And he definitely doesn’t have the Grassroots Army JL does. He’ll split the D vote, not the Rs.
If you want one candidate to challenge La Brujina, put a JL sign in your yard, come to the campaign kickoff Sept 16, contribute lots of money to her campaign and the Council candidate for your ward.
Ed Ackerley is a lifelong Democrat who changed his party affiliation to Independent because a “Republican will never win in this town”. He uses this talking point to masquerade himself as a conservative, but in reality he is another cog in the democratic machine. A Republican can and will win in this town if Tucsonans vote. The time is now to change the direction or Tucson is lost.
Tucson has one of the highest crimes with a crime index of 3 (100 is best) in the US. Ref https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/az/tucson/crime . Highly publicized crime ridden Chicago is actually safer with a crime index of 9 ref: https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/il/chicago/crime, but Chicago doesn’t have the news suppression support team that Arizona news outlets provides. If you enjoy living in a drug infested, corrupt run city while enjoying the high crimes, with little to no punishments, then Romero is the mayor to vote for. I totally get it as it makes perfect sense: Inept people vote for other inept people to represent them. It’s why Tucson is what it is today.
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